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EXErcise: I know, I know, exercise is a ton of effort and sometimes you can't go out for whatever reason  but if you try to just do something small it does help (and this is coming from someone who never exercises).  We suggest going for a walk or just doing some little exercises like 10 jumping jacks or a few stretches.

Sleep-  You've probably heard it a million times before but sleep does help you de-stress and I am aware sometimes it isn't possible for people with insomnia ect but if you can try grab even a nap it would be really good for you.

BREATHE- Just breathing in and counting to 10 can be very helpful to get your mind to calm down. Apparently breating in for four seconds, holding for seven and breathing out for eight makes your mind settle.

NO INTERNET- I love my phone as much as the next person but the bright lights stimulate your brain and will make you more stressed and stimulated if you're trying to sleep.

Music- I love music and I can honestly say that listening to your favourite song or artist can really help you to de-stress.

Do What Makes You Happy- I know, I know. Very cliche but it seriously helps. Doing something you love will help you to relax and enjoy what you're doing.

Meditation- I have found that meditating, or just relaxing for 5 or 10 minutes is a great way to de-stress especially, I think, if you suffer from anxiety. One meditation I found helpful is this one on YouTube.

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