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Life Time

This is a page about things to do with life such as equality.


I am a feminist.


*Shock horror*


Feminism is given a bad name by a few people that would fall under the title of misandrist over feminist because these woman will call men scum, and tell them that they are worthless. They will also do it in little ways such as promoting men over women and completely disregarding men who are victims of abuse, bullying, and/or rape.




The are various definitions of feminism but they all boil down to the same main point.


Feminism at its core is the equality of the sexes.


Lately it has also been used to fight for equality for LGBT people and POC (People Of Colour).


Therefore it has been mainly used as an umbrella for equality of ALL people, that includes men, heterosexual people, and cisgender people. See our other page, lgbt time, if you are confused about these terms.


I've found that peoples' main issues with feminism is that they feel that woman, LGBT people, and POC, are completely equal to those who are straight, cisgender, white, males. These are the people who will generally be most privileged in society however other factors such as mental health and social class can impact on this.


Recent Protests

There was a HUGE protest earlier this year, called the "Woman's March". It occurred on the 21st of January 2017 and it was global. Women, men, and people of all races marched in cities all over the world to advocate human rights and other issues, such as women's rights, immigration reform, healthcare reform, LGBTQ rights, racial equality, and freedom of religion. The rallies were aimed at Donald Trump, immediately following his inauguration as President of the United States,  due to his many racist, sexist, and homophobic comments.


There were many inspiring posters, protest signs, and chants. Below are my favourite of the day.


*girls just wanna have funDAMENTAL RIGHTS

*Love Trumps Hate

*Get your laws off my body

*Say it loud, say it clear; immigrants are welcome here!

*Dump Trump

*My voice. My story. My body. UNITE for HOPE!

*I can't believe I still have to protest this shit. [held by an older woman, looking very annoyed]

*Dumbledore's Army - Still recruiting!

*Men of quality do not fear equality.

*A princess taught me to resist. [A picture of princess Leia]

*Black Lives Matter.

*Marching For Sanity.


*We Won't Go Back.

*Defender of Freedom.

*Make America Think Again


In response to someone who has mocked women, POC, the LGBTQ community, and people with disabilities, the world rose up to protest against him. 


If that's not enouraging, then nothing is.


Since then. people have been banding together to resist Trump and his anti-immigration policies. When he put the 90 day ban into effect, people rioted until it was revoked.


I don't know why there is so much hate in the world, perhaps it is simply human nature. But I believe that we can make things better for everyone, not just the privileged few.


I hope this little rant has encouraged you to do a bit of research into real feminism. 


Thanks for reading!


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