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This year, for the first time ever, our town is holding its very own Darkness into Light walk for Pieta House. To acknowledge this we thought it would be fitting to create a page about the community and how they promote mental health. 

Pictures from last years Darkness into Light walks from around the country 

In our community, we we have a organisation known as Breaking the Silence. This organisation works towards training adults in areas to do with mental health. This year they are working with Pieta House and the organisers to  make the Darkness into Light walk happen. Breaking the Silence encourages people to talk about their mental health and try to seek help for it. We find that this is an amazing organisation  to have within the community. They spread their message to everyone. They conduct workshops for adults who would like to know more about mental health and how to help someone who is suffering with mental illness.

Our community inspires unity and understanding between all the members and we believe that this is a key part in having good mental health. No matter what the problem is, there is always someone there to help you, whether that by friends, family, teachers or anyone in general. Together we all work towards promoting mental health and making the community as happier place. 

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